
Jeroen Alexander Meijer is an interdisciplinary mindscape artist who navigates psychology, philosophy and cognitive science to create interactive experiences that help us become aware of the mysterious properties of our attention.

His fascination with the topic begins with his own attention deficit disorder (ADD) clashing with the hyperdistracting world of today. By practicing the ancient technique of Vipasssana meditation he regained awareness over the subtle and immeasurable power of the human mind, inspiring the objective of his work to help audiences all over the world get into similar meditative states and bend their attention back on itself. He achieves this by composing immersive multi-sensory installations that focus deeply on perceiving your own perception, with the ultimate goal of creating a profound sense of how our inner realms intimately influence our outer worlds.

For his graduation project Jeroen has won the generous iii-residency award and exhibited his work at several events including Rewire, Uncloud and The New Current.


©2023 Jeroen Alexander Meijer